Poster Presentation Instructions

Poster Presentation Guidelines

As you know, ISMAR will be held as a 100% virtual conference this year. Participants will be able to meet virtually using the Gather Town platform, where they can seamlessly switch from a video-game-like environment to a video chat to engage into a conversation.

The poster sessions will be organised virtually in dedicated poster rooms in Gather Town. These rooms will have virtual boards where the posters will be visible. During the poster sessions, the authors will virtually stand next to the poster and be able to engage in a conversation with other participants via video.

Poster/Demo Requirements

This page will give you a quick overview of what you can present in the poster session along with instructions on how to send your material.

Gather Town

Gather Town is a fully interactive virtual interaction platform, in the style of a retro video game. Users can explore an interactive 2D world through a digital avatar. Users view the space as a 2D top-down map where they can move their character around using keyboard controls. Users can interact with each other through proximity-based video and audio chat, as well as interact with various objects and features within the virtual world.

Please consider checking out the demo/walkthrough for Gather Town:

Poster Booths

All of the posters will be presented in Gather Town in our poster room. Each poster will have its own private booth/conversation area, with your material embedded in an interactive object. Attendees will be able to view your material by interacting with the object in your booth (using the ‘X’ key) and can converse with the presenter and other attendees through video chat, within the private booth space.

Each booth provides a private video chat with anyone else within the booth area. Your poster materials will remain embedded in the booth for the duration of the event, so that attendees can view the materials at any time. There will also be a dedicated period of time where we will ask you to be available in the booth, to discuss your poster with people who are interested.

During the live interaction session, you can also share your screen with those in the booth (like a mini presentation). You can play video, show web pages or open other materials to present inside of the booth, to any attendees within the space. This is also a good way to do a ‘synced’ viewing of any video or audio materials (where all attendees are listening/viewing at the same time). 

Each of your posters will be represented as an interactive object that attendees will be able to walk up to and interact with. This object will be customized to represent the type of content you submit, images will be represented as posters on a billboard, videos as a TV screen and links as a computer station. Multiple attendees can access the embedded content at the same time, but it’s important to note that any video material will not be played in sync to everyone watching (each viewing session is unique to each attendee).

For more information about Gather Town, please visit their website where you can also try out the experience for yourself.

Poster Presentation Material

For each accepted poster, we ask the authors to prepare a poster in image format (.jpg or .png or .webp) (MANDATORY). All posters should be HD resolution (1920 x 1080), landscape orientation and max 3MB in size. There is no specific template for the poster, but we ask the authors to put following information:

  • Title of the paper
  • Name and affiliation of the authors
  • One or several pictures describing your idea
  • Some text to present the main contributions and the achieved results

Think about your poster as a support material for you to discuss with participants. Avoid long text paragraphs and try to be clear and concise. 

In addition to the poster in image format, we ask the authors to prepare a single teaser slide for advertising for your poster (MANDATORY). All the poster teaser slides will be assembled into a “fast-forward” teaser video in which each slide will be visible for 15 seconds only. Therefore, the slide should be a visual summary of your poster. Your single slide should be in image format (.jpg or .png or .webp), landscape orientation and HD resolution (1920 x 1080). Please put following elements on the teaser slide:

  • Title of the paper
  • Name and affiliation of the authors
  • Teaser picture(s)
  • Teaser textual description

Please leave a blank (white) space of 150×150 pixels in the bottom right corner, in order for us to add the poster board identifier later.

Finally, we offer the option to add a video to your poster as supplementary material (OPTIONAL). This video can contain results or a presentation of your idea.  Please follow the video guidelines on the ISMAR web page:

Some additional instructions for the optional video:

  • The length of your video should be ideally 2-3 minutes and may not exceed 5 minutes. 
  • Videos have to be uploaded to YouTube.If you have problems accessing YouTube, you can provide the video as an MP4 file
  • Since videos will be posted on YouTube, mind that all content is royalty-free (e.g., photos) and free of offensive text/messages. YouTube policies may block your video otherwise. Note that offensive text/messages should never be part of a professional presentation.

In order to help us with the organisation, please observe the following naming conventions when uploading your materials:

Filename for the Poster image: “Poster_ID####.jpg”

Filename for the Teaser slide: “Slide_ID####.jpg”

Filename for the Video (if uploading only): “Video_ID####.mp4”

Where #### is the poster ID associated with your submission.

How to Provide Your Material

All materials need to be submitted to dropbox no later than 23:59 on Sept. 22, 2021 AOE to be included in the ISMAR 2021 poster sessions (links will be provided within the coming days).

Submissions after this date cannot be guaranteed to be actively part of the conference and may result in your paper being rejected from the proceedings. 

Poster Image (mandatory)

Please upload your Poster Image to our Dropbox using the naming convention “Poster_ID####.jpg”

1 Slide Teaser Image (mandatory)

Please upload your Teaser Image to our Dropbox using the naming convention “Slide_ID####.jpg”

Release Form (mandatory)

This form grants us the necessary permissions to broadcast, record and upload your session and related material.

Video (optional) 

If you are providing a video as a link to YouTube, please fill out the following form

Or if you are providing a recorded video then upload it to our Dropbox, using the naming convention “Video_ID####.mp4”